
Industrial Timer Circuit


Project information:-

A simple timer circuit can be designed using 555 timer IC by configuring it into monostable mode. These types of circuits have various types of limitations like digital display, an indication of system failure, remote (wireless operation), alarm, etc. The above-listed limitation can be overcome using the project “Industrial Timer Circuit”.

Before starting a discussion on circuit description and working, here we have listed some features of the Industrial Timer Circuit.

Features of Industrial Timer Circuit:-

  • Initialization and switching process after desired or predefined time with delay facility.
  • 1 to 60 seconds can be set which can be extended by editing software code.
  • On/Off time is programmable thus one can program time from 1 to 60 seconds.
  • A facility like single or continuous mode is available.
  • Wireless remote facility with a range of 100m.
  • For a better user interface, an LCD with front-panel control is available.
  • An emergency stops buttons to avoid any unusual operation in both the control panel as well as in the transmitter circuit.
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